Last week our class learned about a Core Democratic Value, The Common Good. The Common Good is something that every citizen in our country has a responsibility to work toward. I decided we would do a service-learning project to contribute to a charity in our community. Since we recently learned about animals, I thought The Delta County Animal Shelter would be perfect. And since art is what our class does best, I decided to incorporate our talents into the project. Our class made over 100 orange and black paw-print necklaces that will be for sale this Tuesday by the office. After we pay back our investor (Mrs. Peterson), all proceeds will go to the Animal Shelter.
This is the oven-bake clay that we used to make the pendents. Each student made several. |
Tessa was so proud of the pendent she created! |
Not only did students create the product, they also wrote a commercial for our morning announcements, went from classroom to classroom and spoke about our project, designed a flyer that was distributed school-wide, created posters to hang up around school, and auditioned to be cashiers. This project encompassed all subjects and had real-life experience. These students are proud of the work they have done and the contribution they've made to our community.